Thursday, July 5, 2012

You've Got Growin' Up To Do  I can't say that I am completely pleased with myself lately.  I have been slacking like crazy - in my workouts, spiritual life, my reading, and overall just a little bit of everything.  I lack motivation, and it frustrates me SO much!  In highschool I was beyond motivated.  I had goals in life, and I knew where I wanted to be...BYU.  This one goal made my ambition spill over in to all areas of my life, but now that I'm there, my sense of direction is completely gone.  I miss the old me, and I don't know how to get her back.  I have a major attitude problem too.  I just want to be better - ya know.  It frustrates me to see myself just doing nothing, when I have so much more potential than that.  I'm just frustrated.
However, I plan to rectify the situation.  There are some things that have happened lately that have begun to spark my fire.  During swim lessons the other day, I discovered that one of my students does not speak english!  I can't tell you how much I love to speak spanish!! I get excited and my entire mood changes entirely by saying just a few words.  It's insane.
I want to find my fire again!!  If you have any advice or suggestions, I would love to hear them!!

Muchos besos,

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