Sunday, June 24, 2012

Slack Much?

Hey there.. so we haven't written in awhile, lo siento. Has been my turn? I don't know.. Anyways, I'm Back to revive the life of this wonderful blog. How is everyone? Hopefully good and happy! I am doing well :) Same story-- been working a lot and spending time with family and friends :) I realized that I am very blessed to be in the situation that I am in, being close to my family. They are great, especially my nieces, they are SO much fun! I have to admit, I probably spoil them.. but if you knew how cute they were you would too!!

I have a few new things happening in my life but I haven't it with my besties (just had to add that to my computers dictionary.. is it not a word or did I spell it wrong ;) haha) yet, so therefore I cannot post these things for the world to know yet! I will let the suspense set in. . .

Anywho-- I should get going, Sunday is a day to be with family; so I am going to entreat myself with their presence and maybe a little something that may or may not contain sugar.. AHH there I said it! I am going to eat something with sugar-- I deserve a little treat before I start my busy week of work and working out.. I vow that I will do better this week and keep my body happy and healthy! You should do the same :) Take Care!

Love-- Chels