Sunday, May 27, 2012

Baby Shower Anyone?

Here I be, sassy as a woodchuck and twice as handsome ;) haha random? yes. That was the first line of the monologue I performed as my Junior Miss Talent. Anyways--- Things here are going just great! Work has kept me pretty busy. Although this last week was pretty chill, I know the coming week will be more busy and crazy- which is alright by me.. wanna know why? More money! hehe

Y'all are probably wondering about the title of my post. Well yesterday I was able to attend a friends baby shower. I played six years of volleyball with this friend, and three years of softball. And she is having a baby now!!! It is so crazy!! I am very excited for her! She will be such a great mother! I can imagine being a mother and loving it, but the realization of it is kind of crazy to think about. I look at my relationship with my nieces and I love them SO MUCH! The are the most innocent precious cute beings on earth, and I have to think of myself having my very own little girls that I can love as my own children and it kind of scares me. Its a huge responsibility, but I think that is why its so important to chose to marry the right man, someone that will share the responsibility and hopefully calm a little bit of the anxiety. OK that's enough of a growing up spill for one Blog post!

OH! I met a new friend! I work with her and she is pretty great. I am very glad that I have met her and look forward to getting to know her even better. I love making new friends!! She and I have become workout buddies at a gym and have vowed to make each other keep on top of our goals.. So know if I don't succeed I will have four girls to answer to--- which is scary so I have no choice to succeed! haha I miss Kenzi and Shayli! It is days like today that I wish I could just pull both of them away from life and just go on a nice sunday walk with them and talk about randomness, and laugh about dumb things, and get teary-eyed over small tough things we have to face in this life. I love you guys!! Kenz come home so we can have a skype date with Shay again!!


  1. augh!!! i got teary-eyed oveer this post!! I keep wishing you and shay were with me!! Miss ya tons!!

  2. Oh girls I miss you tons!!!! Skype date super soon. And we are 2 weeks away from being halfway through our time of seperation :)
